Gift of Sight

Visual Mass has partnered with the Lions SaveSight Centre Singapore to conduct an eye screening charity
project at Ben Tre province, Vietnam. Our objective of this trip is to benefit the villagers of Ben Tre by
providing them with eye screening and spectacles which would give them better vision and further enhance
their quality of life.

Of all senses, sight must be the most important. The only
thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.

Project Lions Recycle for Sight (LRS) - Gift of Sight (GOS) Team from the Lions SaveSight Centre Singapore,
which is part of The Lions movement, the worldโ€™s largest service club with more than 1.4 million members
all over the world.

Visual Mass would like to thank Lions SaveSight Centre
Singapore for this wonderful experience. This has gave us
insight through the people in Ben Tre Vietnam.



Shoutout to Lions SaveSight Centre Singapore (
Let us know what type of charity you would want us to work with next time!.