Visual iHealth
Don't take your eyes for granted, caring for your eyes is a year-round job. Here are easy tricks and tips for your vision.
Gift of Sight
Visual Mass has partnered with the Lions SaveSight Centre Singapore to conduct an eye screening charity
project at Ben Tre province, Vietnam. Our objective of this trip is to benefit the villagers of Ben Tre by
providing them with eye screening and spectacles which would give them better vision and further enhance
their quality of life.
I&I: The First Collective
We envisioned becoming the alternative to overpriced
and ordinary eyewear by creating an eyewear by creating
an eyewear brand that does not set boundaries by giving
unreasonable prices to you.
Stepping Out of the Mainstream
“I used to be inspired by photos and works of other photographers. However I came to realise that I was starting to replicate what’s already been produced. Instead, I try to search for inspiration through other means such as books and music these days.”